Subject Overview
At Cordwalles Junior School, we feel that computing is an important aspect of training children to live in a world where technology is growing. As a result, we believe it is essential that children are able to participate in the development of these new tools in order to fully understand the significance and possibilities of emerging technology, effectively preparing them for the future.
Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to allow children to accomplish a broad and balanced curriculum which will give them the knowledge and skills needed in later life.
Firstly, the children will be able to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. They will be able to use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output. Cordwalles pupils will be able to use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
Furthermore, they will understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. Our pupils will be able to use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
Moreover, our pupils will be able to select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Finally, the students in our school will be able to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Curriculum Implementation
We will achieve our aims by implementing a number of strategies. Firstly, we have introduced the 'TeachComputing' computing scheme within Cordwalles Junior School and the Infant schools within the federation (Pine Ridge & Lorraine) to ensure continuity and a clear progression of skills. This scheme ensures we are covering the Computing National Curriculum through broad and balanced lessons which will equip students with all they need to progress through the years. Teachers will ensure planning is based on a thorough understanding of children's needs, building upon prior learning and accounting for children with SEND. Furthermore, all staff will have access to continuous CPD opportunities to ensure they are teaching to a high standard. All children have access to a variety of technology (including laptops and iPads), safe applications (e.g. Spark Post, iMotion, Paint) and websites (e.g. Scratch, Google Sites, J2Data).
Please see below our Curriculum Overview.
Children also receive many opportunities for a wider curriculum.
Children have opportunities to participate in Clubs such as Animation Club (Spring Term) and Coding Club (Summer Term) after school.
Children regularly have opportunities to discuss E-Safety during assemblies, and they complete follow up activities/competitions. See below some winning entries from our E-Safety competition!
Awareness Days
At Cordwalles Junior School, we participate in awareness days involving Computing. On the 8th February, we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2022. The children celebrated by listening to an assembly shared in class, participating in discussions around safety within online video games and completing short activities and quizzes. Can you spot Cordwalles Junior School here on the list of supporters?
In Summer, we are going to be celebrating 'Scratch Week'. Each class will have two half days in the Computing Suite completing a variety of coding lessons.
Curriculum Impact
At Cordwalles Junior School, the expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the units of study at broadly the same pace. We aim for each child to be confident in each yearly objective and develop their ability to use this knowledge as they progress through the years. Teachers carry out formative assessment through AfL in each session and feedback is given to children verbally. Children are quickly identified as needing further challenge or additional support, and we ensure that this is provided in a timely manner. The computing subject lead regularly monitor the quality and impact of our computing curriculum through learning walks and professional dialogue.
What a 'typical' lesson looks like:
Lessons follow the structure and sequence set forth by the Computing Lead.
Teachers have considered the possible barriers to learning and have planned how to overcome these.
LSAs are deployed effectively.
Children will be respectful of the technology and equipment being used.
Children understand the Learning Intention, and how this builds on previous lessons.
Children will learn the basic components of digital devices, developing on this understanding throughout their time at Cordwalles Junior School.
Children will have the opportunity to work in mixed ability pairs/groups, or independently.
Children will access a variety of platforms using different devices such as; Seesaw, Word, PowerPoint, Paint, Peardeck and others.
Children will be supported to use appropriate websites and will understand how to safeguard themselves and their friends.
A wide range of specific vocabulary will be presented to the children during each lesson, building on previous knowledge.
Most lessons will contain a variety of short activities to embed the learning of new concepts.
Teaching & Learning Expectations
Teachers are expected to teach computing explicitly at least one lesson per week or a double lesson every two weeks. Skills should be developed throughout a variety of subjects alongside this.
Teachers will assess children's ability, adapting the lesson to suit each individual.
Children with SEND may be required to have additional resources or support i.e. visual prompts/instructions.
Teachers are aware of a range of resources to support learning, this should be easily accessed allowing for cross curricular links.
Computing vocabulary will be shared explicitly at the beginning of each lesson.
Each class will be allocated a private Google Drive account. The children will be able to access this in school to save any work completed on Google Drive.
The teaching of computational thinking abilities is at the heart of the Computing curriculum, and it equips students with problem-solving skills that can be used across the curriculum. Decomposing and debugging an issue, for example, may be applied to both mathematics and computers; sequencing stages in an algorithm can be applied to key life skills. Technology can assist students with special educational needs and disabilities in gaining access to learning, information, and recreational activities: Computing can help students understand how technology works so they can utilise it safely and responsibly. Computing as a whole offers innovative, user-friendly ways to reinforce learning throughout the curriculum, for example in reading and numeracy, or to assist objectives like social skills, motor skills, and communication. This keeps lessons relevant and interesting for students.
Safeguarding / E-Safety
The use of the internet is designed to improve and enrich learning activities across the curriculum. However, we realise the significance of ensuring that all students, both in and out of school, are responsible and safe users of the Internet and other communication tools. To protect the children's safety, each class will be taught high quality, E-Safety lessons for using the internet.
Be Internet Awesome
At Cordwalles Junior School, we teach children how to be ‘Internet Awesome’. Children are taught fundamental lessons:
Please see our E-Safety page to find out more information on how we teach our children how to stay safe online.
Useful Websites
The base program of many of our Computer Science projects. A great introduction to programming using ‘visual’ coding blocks.
A series of programming challenges starting with visual ‘block’ programming up to more complex text based programming.
A range of activities to help develop programming skills.
"Embark on a quest to confidently explore the online world" - Interland
Parent Guides
Please see below Parent/Carer guides to popular online games and platforms:
Policies and Documents
Computing Skills Progression KS2
Computing - National Curriculum